To fully understand what is an Inflight catering let me introduce to you some definition of terms commonly used in this field.

An airline
caterer, like In-flight Catering is producing, packing, and delivering foods,
drinks and serving equipment to the customer aircraft departing from Manila's
international airport.
One or more food items served to a
On very short
flights only drinks are served.
On flights of less than 1 - hour
duration, only a sandwich or a pastry may be served.
On regional
(Southeast Asian) flights, a meal tray with salad, a hot dish and a dessert is
normally served. On very long flights (10-15 hours duration), up to 3 full meals (trays)
are served to each passenger.
people fly very often on the same route on the same airline. In order for these people not to have to eat the same food on every flight, the airlines change
the menus at regular intervals. We call this Menu Cycles or Menu Rotations
A word that tells a food item is slaughtered and prepared in accordance with Muslim religious tradition. Halal means good and pure, food is never contained pork or contaminated with
pork , pork by-products or alcohol. Neither
are they prepared with tools having been in contact with such products.Halal does not only dealing with food.Muslims are guided by principles of Halal and Haram. Haram is an opposite of Halal.
It is defined either as: a) The operation
and flying of an aircraft (e.g. a flight to Hongkong"); or
in catering terminology, b) the foods
and things that together make up a complete set of catering for a particular flight (e.g."
the bakery has to plan for the next flight"). The flight is composed of
different things for different
departments or sections (e.g. in the
kitchen and on the highloader truck.
Practically all
the customers of In-flight Catering are foreign airlines, and many are from
Muslim countries. The airline representatives that decide on what catering or meals to use are
normally located in the respective airline headquarters abroad, but may
also be the local airline management in the Philippines.
The decision on
what food to use is usually made during a food Presentation held for the
airline customer representatives at In-flight Catering Flight Kitchen.
All details on
what catering to provide on the aircraft are decided by the airline only, not by In-flight
The aircraft operating in international
traffic from Manila's international airport have from 60-450 passenger seats (from Fokker 100
up to Boeing 707 to 747-400). An aircraft has 3 passenger classes: First Class,
Business Class, and Economy Class.
The doors on the
left side of the aircraft are referred to as Passenger Doors. On the right side
you will find the Service Doors, where catering and other services are loaded.
In the cabin of each aircraft you will find 2 or more galleys (or
pantry) where the catering goods are stored and prepared by the crew. In the Flight
Kitchen the catering goods are always prepared in so-called Meal Trolleys.
These trolleys are stowed in the aircraft galleys: which trolleys in turn are used by the cabin
crew during the passenger meal service during the flight.
Although the
staffs of the In-flight Catering never get to meet them, the Passenger is
the ultimate end user of the In-flight Catering’s products. This is why great care is
taken, not only to prepare in the flight kitchen, but also when the tableware
and colors are chosen, and when the cabin crew is being trained.
The (in-flight) catering product is a
very important part of the overall passenger service concept of an airline, and
may make the difference for the passenger when choosing an airline for his next
For all practical purposes, the Cabin
Crew is the In-flight Catering "concrete" customer. They meet them every day on
each departure. They officially receive and sign for In-flight
Catering products and services.
The Crew's
opinions about In-flight Catering matter a lot in the assessment of
our performance and standard. The so-called Cabin Report, the
flight report of the Chief of the Cabin
Service Crew, customarily serves as the written appraisal of In-flight Catering products and services.
The In-House Support functions are:
1. Quality Assurance
& Control
2. Human Resources
(personnel services)
3. Accounting
4. Administration
& Security
5. Sales &
6. Purchasing
7. Production
8. Facilities
9. Environmental
Information Technology (computers)
Every department
is headed by a manager, and consists of several sections.
The Flight
Kitchen operates 24 hours a day. Outside office hours, when management is not
present, the Duty Officer (or officer-in-charge) holds the operational authority of the
General Manager.
The Flight Kitchen features
state-of-the-art machinery and equipment, and is designed for maximum
efficiency and ideal energy conservation.
Safety of man
and machines is everybody's responsibility. Use the allocated protective gear,
and comply with all instructions and laid-down procedures. Security is of
great concern to both airlines and caterers alike. In-flight Catering aims to comply
fully with all local and international regulations. To this end, all
personnel and visitors are required to strictly observe all instructions and
security measures.
All preparation
of food is made according to airline customer specifications.
For Muslim
airlines, the code for Halal preparations is followed at all times.
The passenger
meals are planned in relation to the (meal) time of the day, the flying time
(duration of flight), and the space restrictions in the aircraft galley.
The most typical
- Cold Snack or Sandwich ( SN)
- Breakfast (BF)
- Hot Snack (HS)
- Lunch (LN)
- Dinner or Supper (DN or SP)
Very often Special Meals are needed for
passengers who
have medical,
religious or other constraints; e.g.
- Diet Meal
- Vegetarian Meal
- Low Fat Meals
- Also, Special Children's Meals are provided on request.
In First Class,
the meals are abundant and refined, usually with several choices of all courses,
served on bone china. First Class normally has their meal table set with tablecloth (no trays) and
silver cutlery.
Economy Class has the complete meal served on a tray, with melamine plates.
The entire flight handling process is
supervised and controlled by an assigned Customer Service Officer (CSC).
Before the
"Flight" leaves the Flight Kitchen, every catering item is
checked in the loading bay area.
When everything is all right, the
complete catering "Flight" is stowed onto the Highloaders. A
Highloader is a specially constructed
truck that has loading doors both in the
back and in the front. With the help of a powerful hydraulic jack it can lift
its loaded body up to any aircraft
door, up to 6.5 meters above ground.
The highloaders must reach the docking gate
(aircraft parking area) before the aircraft reaches the gate. This is necessary in
order to assure the airline station manager that the catering service is ready.
After the incoming passengers have left
the aircraft, the highloaders align with the aircraft Service Doors, and start unloading the
"old" catering, and loading the new "flight". Upon
completion of loading the aircraft, the CSO gives a briefing to the Cabin Crew
(the Handover).
During the boarding of the
passengers, the CSO and the refrigerated
Express (stand-by) delivery truck waits at the gate for possible last-minute orders. Before the doors close for
departure, the CSO obtains the signature for the deliveries from the airline representative.
The key word in Airline Catering is PRECISION!
In the airline catering business every step is planned well in advance. Every link in the process of running the Flight Kitchen is controlled by TIME. A failure in one link may lead to a failure in the next link, and so on.
This is why a lot of attention is put into PLANNING.
Therefore, your conformity to CORRECTNESS and TIMING becomes necessary and obligatory.
The key word in Airline Catering is PRECISION!
In the airline catering business every step is planned well in advance. Every link in the process of running the Flight Kitchen is controlled by TIME. A failure in one link may lead to a failure in the next link, and so on.
This is why a lot of attention is put into PLANNING.
Therefore, your conformity to CORRECTNESS and TIMING becomes necessary and obligatory.
Regardless of duties and responsibility within the
company,. the people of In-flight
Catering are best
characterized as:
- Honest and Cordial
- Reliable
- Resourceful
- Teamwork-tuned
- Service-oriented
- Hygiene-observant
- Quality-conscious
- The best people to judge In-flight Catering performance are:
- Customers
- Partners (suppliers, etc.)
- Seniors
- Owners
Regardless of
where in the world the airlines pick up their catering, they always expect the
same standards of Quality and Service.Through the management of an In-flight Catering aims to live up
to, and exceed what can be called world-class Quality standards.While meeting all
local and national requirements, In-flight Catering also meets the
highest of all international standards for quality, efficiency and performance.
Catering assent to the Quality Assurance System of Gate Gourmet, plus the
requirements of its customers
The main portions of the assurance systems are:
- Service Quality(including consistency and instructions Compliance)
- HAS (Halal Assurance System)
- Food Safety
- Personal Hygiene
- General Hygiene
No single
subject is more important than the safety of In-flight Catering food products.
For In-flight Catering business this is a matter of REMAINING OR CLOSING SHOP!
Accordingly, it
becomes every employee's personal responsibility to fully and sincerely
comply with the related
rules and regulations.
Extensive efforts are made by the
concerned departments to ensure that the
qualities of In-flight catering raw materials are the safest and the best.
Every supplier is
required to comply with the strict HACCP (Hazards Analysis & Critical Control
Points) regulations.
Bacteria grow ideally fast in food
holding 5- 65 °C
(40°F -140°F). This temperature range is often
referred to as the DANGER ZONE. This is why all perishable foods must be kept at less than 5°C or
higher than 65 °C always. In modern refrigerators, the medium setting is
approximately 5ÂșC. However, you must use a professional thermometer to verify this.
Therefore, affected departments and
sections continually probe
the temperature of the foods, wherever in the process it is found.
Together with good temperature control,
hygiene and cleanliness is the way to maintain foods in a safe state.
In the food
production process the work tables, machines, tools and utensils must be
sterilized and kept clean at all times.
All catering
staff must maintain good personal hygiene at all times. Food-handling staff,
however, has a particular responsibility to stay clinically clean (disinfected)
when preparing meals. In this respect. GOOD HAND HYGIENE is priority number
As mentioned earlier, airline catering
is a chain of interdependent link; the processes are so tightly timed; there is
no room for slip-ups.
In a team, airline catering staffs rely on each
other to perform correctly and on-time, all the time.
In a team airline catering staffs help each other.
In a team airline catering staffs consider their colleagues
The In-flight Catering aims to deliver
zero-defect products and services - the first time, all the
The In-flight
Catering has and develops
tools to measure their performance.The ultimate
measure is their ability to GAIN AND KEEP CUSTOMERS, and to receive their
customers' opinions and suggestions.
People working in an In-flight Catering takes upon itself to be a professional and fair people and with respect,
quality and enthusiasm with or without personal merit.
A team
performance, every employee will have a fair opportunity to
develop and chance to grow in the company.