Qur’an has numerous injunctions, instructing Muslims to choose and consume wholesome food.
…..“O ye who believe! Eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you, and render thanks to Allah if it is (indeed) He whom ye worship” (Qur'an 2:172).
HALAL" is an Arabic word which means:
□ Permissible
□ Acceptable
□ Allowable
□ Consumables
□ Good and Healthy
Range of application.
Range of application.
□ Human relationship
□ Clothing & Manner,
□ Social & business transaction, trade & financial services to investments , Halal is a standard which covers every detail of a Muslim life.
For a product to be Halal it must be as a whole and in part:
□ Free of, and not containing any substance or ingredient taken or extracted from a haram animal or ingredient.
□ Made processed, produced, manufactured and/or stored by using utensils, equipment and/or machinery that has been cleansed according to Islamic law.
□ Must never have come into contact with, touch or be close to a haram substance during preparation, making, production, manufacture, processing and/or storage.
The opposite of Halal is Haram.
The meaning of the word haram is:
□ Not permitted
□ not allowed
□ unauthorized
□ unapproved
□ unsanctioned
□ unlawful
□ illegal
□ illegitimate or illicit."
When used in relation to food or drink in any form whatsoever it means that it is not permitted and unfit for consumption by Muslims.
WHAT IS MASBOH? ( Questionable item, the sourse of the food is not known either it is halal or haram.
□ Gelatin.
□ Enzymes.
□ Emulsifiers.
□ Lard.
□ Glycerol/glycerin etc.
Source of Haram Food and Drinks…
□ Animals not slaughtered in a Zabiha way
□ Pig, Dog, Donkey or Carnivores.
□ Dead animals due to stangulation. a blow to the head (as in clubbing), a headlong fall, natural causes (carrion), being gored or attacked by another animal.
□ Animals having protruding canine teeth such as monkeys, cats, and lions.
□ Amphibious animals such as frogs, crocodiles, and turtles
□ Undesirable insects such as worms, flies, and cockroaches.
□ Alcohol, harmful substances, poisonous and intoxicating plants or drinks.
□ Blood
Halal Assurance System
A system applicable to monitor the Acceptability status of the Food and Non Food Products from the sources to the consumers. The halal manufacturer should monitor their process flow from Purchasing, Receiving, Storage, Preparation, Cooking/Formulation, Packaging/Portioning and Delivery/Services
E-numbers are reference numbers used by the European Union to facilitate identification of food additives. All food additives used in the European Union are identified by an E-number. The "E" stands for "Europe" or "European Union". Normally each food additive is assigned a unique e-number
Halal is Healthy
What the Holy Qur’an states about Halal
□ Modern Science confirm
What other Holy Scriptures says
Chronic illnesses
□ Allah loves His Creation so much that He is concerned even what we eat and what we put in our body”
□ And He enforce the balance. That you exceed not the bounds ;but observe strictly balance and fall not short thereof(55:7-9)
Component of Halal diet
□ Permissible
□ Moderation
□ Balance food
□ Exercise
Halal is a Billion Dollar Industry
□ Growing number of population
□ Increasing income
□ Importance of Hotel and Restaurant trade
□ Growing consciousness about foods, health and nutrition
Halal as Universal
□ The People of the Book
□ Race
□ Color
□ Religion
□ The Law of demand
□ The Law of Supply
□ Structures/Application of system
□ The role of Local Muslim Council
□ Professionalism/integrity and discipline
□ The role of the Philippine Gov’t, DTI and NCMF
□ Any Cuisines can be halal
□ Asian
□ European
□ French
□ Italian
□ Pizzas can be Halal
□ Design of the kitchen
□ Staff knowledge
Categories of the Kitchen
□ Total Halal Kitchen ( this is totally zero pork no wine and contamination inside the kitchen, probably owned by a Muslim or Halalfood Advocates
□ Separate Kitchen ( this type of kitchen is with one facility with two kitchen within the production area.Tools and Utensils were identified by markings ,color coded,tags and with separate storage of Non Halal items, eg . pork meat and other non halal ingredients
□ Shared Kitchen ( this type of kitchen is not recommended however, if the owner of the restaurant wants to level up the status of the kitchen he will hire a dedicated kitchen staff to handle the Halal food to avoid contamination.Working tables are identified including the tools and utensils similar to that of separate kitchen.)
□ Non at all (This type of kitchen is not recommended.)
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